Frequently Asked Questions – The Bible
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod answers frequently asked questions about the Bible and the Synod’s beliefs and positions.
Old Testament
- Why does the LCMS number the Ten Commandments differently?
- Why is the Old Testament important even today? Hasn’t the New Testament replaced it?
- Was the universe created in six literal 24-hour periods?
New Testament
- What were the ages of Jesus’ disciples?
- How can we be sure the biblical accounts of Jesus’ death are accurate?
- On what date was Jesus born?
- Were the disciples baptized?
- How does the Church arrive at a Friday crucifixion?
- Did Jesus have any siblings?
- Did Jesus come from the house of David?
- Can you shed some light on when Jesus was born?
Usage: Congregational use of FAQs does not require permission of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. However, each reproduction should credit the LCMS as the source and include a link to the corresponding webpage.